Copy of: Adiakkalap patthu of Swami Desikan : Part 1
From the Bhakti List Archives
V. Sadagopan • Sat Dec 06 1997 - 18:24:34 PST
Dear Members of Bhakthi Group : FYI . V.Sadagopan ---------- Forwarded Message ---------- From: V. Sadagopan, 75041,3037 TO: SR, CC: vas, DATE: 12/5/97 10:26 PM RE: Copy of: Adiakkalap patthu of Swami Desikan : Part 1 Dear Members of the SaraNAgathi Group : Recently I wrote about NyAsa dasakm of Swami Desikan . Those ten quintissential slOkams are in Sanskrit . They are sacred and we recite them every day during the ThiruvArAdhanam for the Lord . In this posting I will cover Swami Desikan's reverential prapatthi to Sri VaradarAjA of Hasthigiri in Tamil , which crytallized as eleven verses including the pala sruthi verse of ADAIKKALAP PATTHU housed in Desika Prabhandham . These verses are equaly sacred in purport . Swami Desikan's ArAdhana Murthy was VaradarAjan . Time and again , he has offered his profound salutations to Atthigiri AruLALan through his sthOthrams such as Sri VaradarAja panchAsath , meyviratha Maanmiyam , ThirucchinnamAali and Sri Hasthigiri MahAthmyam . Swami Desikan was born in Thuppul not far from the temple of VaradarAjan , which is known as PerumAL Koil . It is revered as one of the seven mukthi KshEthrams . The Lord stands on top of a small hill here saluted as Atthigiri in Tamil and Hasthi Giri in Sanskrit . Here , he responds most affirmatively to all auspicious vrathams of devotees and hence this kshEthram is known as Sathya Vratha KshEthram . The Lord's greatness is saluted as Meyviratha mAnmiyam . The Lord of Hasthigiri is saluted from time immemorial as Varadhan , DevarAjan , Devap PerumAL , AruLALan and PeraruLALan . He is saluted as KaaruNya Raasi ( the embodiment of Mercy and DayA ) by Swami Desikan . He is recognized as avyAja Vatsalan ( One Whose natural disposition is affection for His devotees ) . He is recognized as Varadhan or the boon giver par excellence. The beauty of His divya MangaLa vigraham has been enjoyed by Swami Desikan without any satiety . Swami Desikan has described Sri Varadan as a matchless vessel to cross the tumultous ocean of SamsArA ( SamsAra vAridhi nidhi santhraNaika pOtham ) .He is saluted as the end statement of ALL words ( Sarva VachasAm avasAna seema : ) . In a most majestic salutation , Swami Desikan has recognized Him as " Nithyam param Sarva Gatham SusUkshmam nishpandha- nandhathu mayam Bhavatha: svarUpam ) . Swami Desikan untypically is at a loss for words and tries to describe the Lord's form as " eternal , superior to every thing , all pervasive , unobstructed in its power and an embodiment of unalloyed Joy ) . Swami recovers from his state of being overwhelmed and comes back to his fluent self and salutes the Lord as " Visva AdhisAyee Sukha rUpan " ( the unmatched embodiment of beauty in all the three worlds ) . Swami Desikan's salutaion of Atthigiri AruLALan as the tree with its eastern branch as VaasudEvA , Western branch as PradhyumnA , Southern Branch as SankarshaNA and the Northern Branch as AniruddhA and Himself at the very center of the Chathur VyUhams is a moving tribute ( Satthvavantha: ----tava Chathurshvapi sthAnEshu api sAkA vibhAga chathurE chAthurAthmeyE jaagrathi ) . Here Swami says that the pious ones deeply concentrate in the enjoyment of Him as the Chathur vyUha Moorthy . Swami goes on to adore Him as the emerald resting in the casket made up of all Upanishads as their SaarArtham ( nikhila Upanishad maneeshA manjUsjikA marakatham ) . In the VaradarAjA panchAsath , Swami salutes Him as dasAvathAra SvarUpan , as the antharyAmi as well as ArchAvathAran . Swami Desikan reminds the Lord that his own anjali is the shield against the Lord's shafts of anger over his sins . Our AchAryA melts the heart of Varadhan by describing HIm as the faultless dam over the ocean of SamsAram ( tvAm yEva abhangura: sEthu asi ) . He invites the rejuvenating glances of VaradarAjan to bring him back to life after experiencing the scorching rays of the summer sun of samsAram . Swami reminds the Lord that it is not a big effort for Him to take care of him during the remaining few years on His earth ( sEshathva lEsa nayanE ka: iva athibhAra : ? ) . Frightened over his accumulated sins and their effect on him , Swami Desikan cries out and begs for the Lord's cool and merciful glances to fall on him ( madhurA: DhayALO: tE katAkshA : mayi pathanthu ) .He calls Him as KarisailadhAman ( One who has Hasthigiri as His place of residence ) and begs Him to bless him to travel by archirAdhi maargam at the end of his days . Swami wants from VaradarAjan the boon of anthima smrithi about HIm ( AlOhitha amsukam tvAm anusmarEyam ) . He confides to Varadhan that the enjoyment of His beauty in ArchAvatharam at Kanchi makes him conclude that the stay in Sri VaikunTam is not so tempting . Swami concludes his salutation to VaradarAjan with a prayer for unceasing rememberance(Dhruva smruthi ) of Him as a resident of his heart cave . In the divya prabhandham , Hasthigiri MaahAthmyam , Swami Desikan rightfully concludes that Kanchi has become the KshEthram that totally cuts asunder all the sins of devotees because of its sanctity arising from the association with Sri VaradarAjan ( atthigiri bhatthar vinai tottaRa aRukkum aNi AtthigiriyE ) . The Lord appeared in the uttara vEdhi of BrahmA's yAgasAlA under the PuNyakOti vimAnam as the effulgent radiance . Swami states that the nithya sUris raised the mangaLa naadham from their Thirucchinnams during that auspicious occasion ( kAhaLi nAdhEna karNEshvamruthasEchanam ) . Swami Desikan is immersed in the sweet memories of the Lord appearing before BrahmA as a golden mountain in the middle of the fire of the yajnam . Wave after wave of memories about the Lord's glories wash over Swami Desikan and he declares with elation his nectar-like experience over those thoughts : atthigiri aruLALap perumAL vandhAr -- karutha varam tharum Dhaivap perumAL vandhAr --umbhar thozhum kazhaludayAr vandhAr --vAnEra vazhi tanthAr vandhAr thAmE Swami Desikan celebrated thus " the trilOka mahaneeyam Sathyavratha mahAthmyam " in his prabhandham in a glorious manner . The auspicious sound raised by the NithyasUris from the Lord's Thirucchinnam reminded him of the comforting sound of mUla Manthram . The praNava sabdham reminded him once again of the rakshakathvam of Lord VaradarAjA . The accompanying UkAra , MakAra sabdhams and that of the fourth case as well as the nama: and the NaarAyaNa sabdham with its own chathur vibhakthi engulfed our AchAryA into an ocean of bliss . He performed his prapatthi immediately to the Lord of Hasthigiri in grateful appreciation of that extraordinary experience and out poured the ten verses of Adaikkalap patthu . We shall cover the meanings of these blessed verses in the concluding posting on Adaikkalap patthu . Swami Desikan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan
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