Sri VaradarAjan "s MangalAsAsanam
From the Bhakti List Archives
V. Sadagopan • Sat Dec 06 1997 - 18:23:32 PST
Dear Sri Satish Bukkapattnam : You raise an important question on the AzhwArs mangaLAsAsanam of AtthiyUrAn in divya prabhandham . This issue has baffled a lot of devotees of Sri Varadhan . First of all there are 7 paasurams , where the Lord of Atthigiri at Kaanchipuram ( Kacchi ) has been saluted by three AzhwArs {Thirumangai (4) , BhUtham (2) and pEy (1)} . The references are as follows : Thirumangai : 1 . periya Thirumozhi : 6.10.4 -- KallAr mathiL soozh kacchi nagaruL --- yellA ulahum vaNanga virundhavammAn nAmam sollil namO nArAyaNamE ( ThirunarayUr series ) 2. ThirukkurmthAndakam : paasuram 19 ; ---kacchi pEr mallai yenru mandinnAr , uyyalallAl maRRaiyArkkuyyalAmE 3 & 4 :. ThirunedumthAndakam : 9 & 15 pasurams 3 : vangatthAl maamaNi vanthundhu munneer mallayAi MATHIL KACCHIURAAI ----- 4. kallurntha nedumathiL soozh KacchimEya -- 5 & 6 : Second ThiruvandhAthi : 95& 96-- BhUthatthAr 5 . --- ulahEtthum aazhiyAn atthiyUrAn 6. atthiyUrAn puLLai oorvAn ----- 7 . Third ThiruvandhAthi : Paasuram 26 of pEy AzhwAr sirandhaven sinthayum , senkaNNaravum niraindha seer neeL KacchiuLLum , - urainthathuvum-- Mudal AzhwAr's paasurams have great depth of meanings . Swami Desikan understood the references to the five forms of the Lord of Kaanchi ( Kacchi) and elaborated on that doctrine in many of his Sanskrit , Tamil and MaNipravALam works . He performed SaraNAgathi to the Lord of Kaanchi thru nyAsa Dasakam and Adaikkala patthu verses . I will send by separate mail the recent postings on Adaikkalap patthu ( two parts ) , which cover the deep salutations of Swami Desikan a la the seven verses of the 3 AzhwArs cited above . Those postings will appear in the SaraNAgathi Journal 1.8 issue today . Thirukkacchi Nambhi , AlavandhAr , RaamAnujA , AppuLLAr , KuREsA , Vaatsya VaradAchAr , Sudarsana Soori , MaNavALa Maamuni and other AchAryAs have more than made up for the lack of numbers of AzhwAr Paasurams thru their affiliation with PerumAL Koil ( Kanchi ) and their sthuthis . The broader doctrines related to Sri VaradarAjA are embedded in ThiruvAimozhi , whenever NammAzhwAr salutes antharyAmi Brahman , Vyuha mUrthys and VibhavAthArams and Para VaasudEva svarUpam following the tradition of Mudal AzhwArs . One of the explanations given for the paucity of paasurams on VaradarAjan is associated with Guhai Narasimhan of Kaanchi , whom we worship first before worshipping the Lord on Atthigiri . This is because of His status as the Adhimurthy of this sthalam and BrahmA sought His permission to build the yaj~na vEdhi on the hillock revered today as Hasthigiri or Atthigiri . The Lord appeared under PuNyakOti VimAnam from that Yaj~na Vedhi . Many feel however that all the AzhwAr's mangaLAsAsanam is to Sri Guhai Narasimha Bhagavan of Kacchi . The situation is similar to the Varaha PerumAL residing at His temple on the banks of Swami PushkaraNee at Thirumalai , where He has precedence over Sri Thirumalaiappan alias Timmappan alias VenkatAchalapathi alias SEsghAdri Sekhara Vibhu alias ThiruvEnkatamudayAn . We worship Him first before going inside the sanctum of yEzhumalaiappan . V.Sadagopan
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