From the Bhakti List Archives
muralidhar rangaswamy • Fri Dec 05 1997 - 10:00:24 PST
Dear Friends, This message is being forwarded on behalf of Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Srinivasa who currently does not have access to the list. Namo Narayana, Muralidhar Rangaswamy ********************************************************************* >From rangaswamy@plh.af.mil Fri Dec 5 08:38:24 1997 >Received: from plh.af.mil by plh.af.mil (PMDF V5.0-8 #15540) > id <01IQTAQOMPF495ON0J@plh.af.mil> for rangaswamy_m@hotmail.com; Fri, > 05 Dec 1997 11:40:10 -0400 (EDT) >Date: Fri, 05 Dec 1997 11:40:10 -0400 (EDT) >From: RANGASWAMY@plh.af.mil >Subject: >To: rangaswamy_m@hotmail.com >Message-id: <01IQTAQOSBZ695ON0J@plh.af.mil> >X-VMS-To: SMTP%"rangaswamy_m@hotmail.com" >MIME-version: 1.0 >Content-type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII >Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT > >From: SMTP%"lsrinivasa@ptc.com" "Lakshmi Srinivasa" 5-DEC-1997 11:16:26.26 >To: SMTP%"RANGASWAMY@plh.af.mil" >CC: >Subj: An appeal from thuppul trust > >Return-path:>Received: from poster (poster.ptc.com) by plh.af.mil (PMDF V5.0-8 #15540) > id <01IQT9W22DWW95OP6B@plh.af.mil> for RANGASWAMY@plh.af.mil; Fri, > 05 Dec 1997 11:16:16 -0400 (EDT) >Received: from int-mail.ptc.com by poster (5.x/SMI-SVR4-NN) id AA14270; Fri, > 05 Dec 1997 11:13:44 -0500 >Received: from mole ([]) > by int-mail.ptc.com (Netscape Mail Server v2.02) with SMTP id AAA15705 for > ; Fri, 05 Dec 1997 11:03:27 -0500 >Date: Fri, 05 Dec 1997 11:01:35 -0500 >From: Lakshmi Srinivasa >Subject: An appeal from thuppul trust >Sender: lsriniva@ptc.com >To: RANGASWAMY@plh.af.mil >Message-id: <3488255F.1BFC@ptc.com> >Organization: Parametric Technology Corporation >MIME-version: 1.0 >X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0 (X11; I; SunOS 5.5 sun4u) >Content-type: MULTIPART/MIXED; BOUNDARY="Boundary (ID uy99UahwgkM8dyLZNwJqcQ)" > > >--Boundary (ID uy99UahwgkM8dyLZNwJqcQ) >Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii >Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit > >Dear Sir: > >I am herewith attaching a text that contains the message to the bhakti >net for donating to thuppul trust. If you feel that you have to modify >some of the contents of the text, you are free to do so. I have not got >a good response in the past two years except you, Dr. V. Sadagopan and >Dr. Tatachar donating to this temple. As you might know, this temple is >already in a bad state. I have got the date of vaikunta ekadasi as 8th >jan. If you find that this is wrong you can correct it in the text. > >Thank you. > >Lakshmi N. Srinivasa >-------------------------------------------------------------------- >LAKSHMI N. SRINIVASA >TECHNICAL SUPPORT ENGINEER >PARAMETRIC TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION >WALTHAM, MA >Home phone: 781 935 2833 >email: lsrinivasa@ptc.com >-------------------------------------------------------------------- > >--Boundary (ID uy99UahwgkM8dyLZNwJqcQ) >Content-type: text/plain; name=thoopul; charset=us-ascii >Content-disposition: inline; filename="thoopul" >Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit > > >Dear members of the net, > >Given below is an appeal from thuppul trust of Kanchipuram. Thoopul is >a divya desam in Kanchipuram, Tamilnadu. Sri vedanta desikan was born in >Thuppul in 12th century A.D and immensely contributed to the literature of >Srivaishnavism. Swami Desikan did not only contribute to the Hindu >philosophy and literature but also lived according to doctrine he preached. >Sri Deepaprakasar temple in thoopul is one of the 108 vaishnava divya >desam praised by Swami Desikan, and Thirumangai Azhwar. History of this >temple is given in my homepage: My homepage URL for thuppul divya desam is >http://www.eng.uc.edu/~lsriniva/thuppul.html. > >Every year, during vaikunta ekadasi, a garudotsavam is held for sri >deepaprakasar, at thuppul. This festival was stopped during the early >eighties for some years due to financial constraints. A staunch sri >vaishnavite Smt. V.K. Santha had been touring the divya desams in >Kanchi with her neighbours of mambalam during this period. When everyone >went to the Kanchi Sankara Mutt, H.H. Paramacharya asked in particular >Smt. V.K. Santha to revive the vaikunta ekadasi festival of thuppul >divya desam. > >A trust was formed by Smt. V.K. Santha and she has been collecting funds >for the garudotsavam every year. I request the bhakthas >in the net to contribute for the same. An appeal by Smt. V.K. Santha, the >managing trustee is also attached with this email. My sincere thanks to >Dr. V. Sadagopan, Dr. Muralidhar Rangaswamy and Dr. KotiSreekrishna Tatachar >for having contributed to this trust for the past two years. > >The checks can be made payable to >Thuppul Trust and can be mailed to > >LAkshmi N. Srinivasa >20, Westgate Drive, #T-1 >Woburn >MA-01801 > >Sincerely, > >LAkshmi Narasimhan Srinivasa and Malolan > >My phone number: (781) 935 2833 >My email addr: lsriniva@hotmail.com > > >---------------------APPEAL BY THUPPUL TRUST--------------------------- > >Smt. V.K.santha >Managing Trustee > >Sri C.Gopalachari >Sri I.V.Krishnamachary >Sri V.K.Sudarshan >Sri V.K.venugopalan >Sri V.S.Parthasarathy > >To > >Dear Sirs, > > I am sending herewith an appeal for donation from "THUPPUL TRUST" for your >favourable consideration. This trust has been formed to perform primarily >the"GARUDOTHSAVAM" for Sri Deepa prakasar temple (Sri Maha Vishnu) at >kanchipuram on vaikunda Ekadasi day every year. > >This temple is situated in the birth place of Sri Vedantha Desika, the most >reverred vaishnavite Acharya. Several Alwars(wandering bards and saints) >have sung in praise of this deity and this temple is one of the most >important temple of the 108 Sri vaishnava shrines. The Vaikunda >Ekadasi day falls on the Ekadasi Day preceeding full moon in the month of >margasira (Dec 15 to jan 14). On this day dieties of five ancient >temples (located in kanchipuram) are taken out in procession on garuda >vahanam. This was not performed in the past years in the temple of Sri Deepa >Prakasar for want of funds.The then senior pontiff of Kanchi Kamakoti Mutt >"His Holiness Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswati Swamigal" desired that this >festival be revived. > >A trust has been formed for this purpose with a view to create a Corpus >Fund so that the interest earned out of it could be used for performing the >utsavam. Balance available out of interest income, if any, will be given to >temples, Vedic Scholars students who are in need of it. > >I recommend your donating a sizeable amount from you people for this >worthy cause. > > MANAGING TRUSTEE. > >NOTE: Vaikunta Ekadasi falls on Jan 8th, 1998. > > > THUPPUL TRUST > ------------------ > AN APPEAL TO PHILANTHROPISTS > ------------------------------------- > >"THUPPUL TRUST" has been formed as per the blessings of >HIS HOLINESS JAGADGURU PARAMACHARYA of Kanchi kamakoti peetam to carryout >the following objectives. > >a) To conduct utsavams at Sri Maragathavalli Thayar Sametha Deepa Prakasar > temple at Thuppul near kanchipuram. > >b) To provide,run,maintain, and improve the daily conduct of regular poojas > in temples. > >c) To maintain, repair and renovate Hindu Temples throughout any state or >states in India. > > d) For the benefit of the downtrodden,especially to promote a religious >feelings in the minds of the public more particularly to feed the starving and >the needy. > >e) To give monetary aid to archakas and other staff employed in Hindu temples >and to their children for education and perfomance of marriage of their >daughters. > > >The above trust has already received a good number of demands and to meet >the same the trust requires sufficient funds. > >The trust is managed by a group of trustees who are all committed >to the cause of Hindu religion and such activities. > >Your contribution for the above trust would help us to meet the demands. >We request you to donate to further strengthen the activities of the Trust. > > >THUPPUL TRUST, >Managing Trustee. >Dated:Dec 02, 1997 >No,20 Thiruvengadam Street >West Mambalam >Madras-600 033. > > > > > >************************************************************************* >Fur suggestions or any questions, email or call: >************************************************************************* >Lakshmi N. Srinivasa | Malolan Chetlur >Ph: 781 935 2833 | PH: 513 556 8443 >e-mail:lsriniva@hotmail.com | email: mal@thor.ececs.uc.edu >************************************************************************* > > > > >--Boundary (ID uy99UahwgkM8dyLZNwJqcQ)-- > ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
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