Copy of: Prapanna PaarijAtham-- Part 4: PramANa Paddhathi
From the Bhakti List Archives
V. Sadagopan • Fri Dec 05 1997 - 04:34:15 PST
Dear Members of the Bhakthi Group : On this SravaNam day , it is my pleasure to forward you the weekly posting of mine for the SaraNAgathi Journal . This posting has relevant information for the question of Sri Dileepan and the response of Sri Kalale . These are the fundamental sources for Akinchanyam , KaarpaNyam , Gopthruva VaraNam and the other two angAs of Prapatthi , which were elaborated by Nathamuni , RaamAnujA , Swami Desikan , PiLLai LokAchAr and " the anyAs " . It is also interesting to note that the Abhaya mudrA of the Lord is intrepreted as the command to the PrapannA not to repeat the prapatthi more than once . V.Sadagopan ---------- Forwarded Message ---------- From: V. Sadagopan, 75041,3037 TO: SR, CC: vas, DATE: 12/4/97 9:36 PM RE: Copy of: Prapanna PaarijAtham-- Part 4: PramANa Paddhathi The Scope of PramAN aPaddhathi ************************************** The first of the ten chapters of Prapanna- PaarijAtham is PramANa Paddhathi . There are 17 slOkAs in this chapter , which refert to the ancient and unimpeachable sources of Prapatthi from passages found in Sruthis , Smruthis , PurANAs , AagamAs and the IthihAsAs . The purpose of this effort by our AchAryA is to establish the Vedic authority of Prapatthi as a doctrine and practise handed down to us from the prathama AchArya( Sriman naarAyaNA ) down to the curent AchAryA . SlOkam 1 ************ prapatthis thaitthireeyANAm vEdhE taavath vidheeyathE I nyAsAkhyA saprayOgAsou vasranyEthi manthratha II (Meaning ) : The first and the foremost authoritative statement on Prapatthi is found at the end of Thaitthireeya Upanishad (Sruthi ) . There it says that Prapatthi has to be performed under its name nyAsam starting with the vEdha mantram commencing with the word " Vasuranya : " . This manthram describes for the first time prapatthi under its name of nyAsam and prescribes as well its modus operandi . ( comments ) : We are starting here at the very beginning by looking for authoritative and ancient references to prapatthi or nyAsam in Sruthis . The roots of Prapatthi in ancient vEdhams are recognized from the many vEdha mantrams one comes across in Rg Vedhic rks and KrishNa Yajur Vedhic mantrams . Upanishads such as Taittireeya NaarAyana and SvEthasvatAra upanishads have authoritative references to Prapatthi .. A passage from Katavalli sruthi is another oft-quoted authority for the doctrine of Prapatthi's origin from Sruthis . By choosing the word nyAsam , the Vedhic manthram reminds us that this doctrinr refers to a pledge , a pledge of one's Self ( Jeevan ) to the Lord . Dr.S.M. Srinivasachari has covered the numerous passages of Rg vEdham to the basic principles of Prapatthi or SaraNAgathi . These rks refer to " an individual pleading his (or her ) inability to achieve a desired object " or goal such as freedom from the cycles of birth and death . He or she seeks prayerfully divine intervention for success in such efforts . One of the oft-quoted rk ( Rg vEdham I.189.1) starts with " AgnE naya supathArAyE---" . This manthram is found again in IsAvAsyOpanishad and Swami Desikan has commented on this rk in his Bhaashyam on the above upanishad . The manthram has the following meaning : " Oh , Agni ! lead us along the auspicious path to remove all the obstacles coming in our way ; we shall offer unto Thee salutations with the expression of NAMA: "(--tE nama-ukthim vidhEma) . Swami Desikan has connected the name Agni here to the AntharyAmi Brahman and the word " NAMA : " to the act of the SELF seeking the refuge in Lord and laying itself at His sacred feet . Another Rg rk found in the 7th khAndham ( VIII.66.13) invokes reverentially the Supreme Brahman as the only one to shower us with favour and that the jeevans are totally dependent on that supreme Brahman . It says : " O Resplendent Self ! We are verily Yours , therefore , We , the worshippers ( prapannAs ) , entirely depend on You . There is none but only You to show us favor , O Bounteous divine power , invoked by ALL " ( nahi tvadhanya: purUhutha kascchana magavannasthi marDithA ) The whole VIII.66 section of Rg vEdham is a celebration of the Supreme Brahman " as full of might and the revealer of wealth " , as " the powerful Lord , purifier and master of all forces" . The third rk salutes the Lord as the one , " who opens the closed gates of wisdom and destroys the devil of dark evil forces " . In the fifth rk refers to the prayerful devotion of the Jeevan to the Lord this way : " Oh resplendent Self , praised by all, we hasten to bring to You our devotion and appreciation , which You have been expecting to receive from Your sincere devotees since ancient times ( vayam tattha Indra sam BHARAMASI yajnamuktham thuram vacha : ) . The subsequent rk ( Rg VIII.66.7 ) eloquently states the mood of the Jeevan's prayerful devotion in a state of helpnessness to the Supreme Brahman this way : " Today , Yesterday , and ALL the days , let the resolute will power (supreme Brahman ) accept our tribute to His full satisfaction . We offer Him our reverence . Let Him now hasten here on hearing our admiration ( tasma u adhya samanA sutham BHARA nUnam bhUshatha sruthE ) . In the 14th rk , the jeevan prays to the Supreme Lord to deliver them from this dire (spirtual ) poverty , hunger (for His presence ) and calumny ( arising from accumulation of sins due to doing things prohibted by sAsthrAs and abandoing karmAs that should be performed ) . The jeevan continues its prayer for protection with His wonderous might and thought . The jeevan declares with conviction : " O mightiest ! only You know the right way " . In the VIII.19.5 rk , we come across the explicit statement the person( Jeevan ) , " who offers prayer with the expression of NAMA : ( implying self-surrender ) is to be regarded as one , who has performed a good scrifice (sOdhvarah: ) almost equivalent to the formal sacrifice done in the consecrated fire by offering the faggots (samiths) along with the recitation of the manthrAs " ( ya samidhA ya aahUthee yO vEdhEna dhadhAsa marthO AgnayE I yO namasA svadhvara : II ) . The above rk and the others of the VIII th canto of Rg vEdham leads onto the climatic statement embedded in the famous rk quoted above ( VIII. 66. 13 ) , which unequivocally states that none other than the Supreme Being is capable of protecting the Jeevan from " the ocean of bondage " . In a subsequent Canto ( X.63. 9 and 10 ) , the rks compare the Lord to a non-leaky boat that alone can safely take the jeevan across the turbulent ocean of SamsAram ( dhaiveem naavam svaritrAm anAgasam asravantheemA ruhEmA svasthayE ) . The Lord is invoked here as " vessel divine , well-protecting , spacious , shining and unmenaced , full of comforts , seamless , goodly constructed , fitted with fine oars , flawless and unsinkable (never-leaking ) " . In the previous rk the jeevan offered a moving prayer to the Lord in the unmistakable spirit of a true PrapannA this way : " In our conflicts or struggles of our life , we invoke our Lord ( who is known by so many attributive names as ) the resplendent one , the deliverer from sins , the virtuous , the Divine , the Creator , the Adorable , the Friendly , the Venerable , the Glorious one . We invoke You --for the acquisition of (spiritual ) food and luxury and for our (spiritual) well-being " . These are the Vedhic PramANams for nyAsam to establish its ancient roots . V.Sadagopan
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