nAcciyAr tirumozhi IX - Sindurac cempoDi 9

From the Bhakti List Archives

• August 27, 1999

      SrI ANDAL samEta SrI rangamannAr tiruvaDigaLE SaraNam

             nAcciyAr tirumozhi IX - Sindurac cempoDi  
      pASuram 9.9 (ninth tirumozhi - pAsuram 9 kO`ngalarum pozhil)

   avanadu Sangu oliyum Sarnagavil oliyum eppOdu kEtpEn?

kO`ngalarum pozhil mAlirum SOlaiyil konRaigaL mEl
 tU`ngu pon mAlaigaLODu uDanAi ninRu tU`nguginREn
pU`ngoL tirumugattu maDuttu Udiya Sa`ngoliyum
Sar`nga vil nAN oliyum talaip peivadu  e~n~nAnRu kolO?

A. Meaning from SrImAn SaDagOpan's tamizh treatise:

I am lying useless like the golden hued garland-shaped 
flowers hanging from  the conglomeration of kOngu trees 
in tirumAlurum SOlai.  When will I reach the nearness 
of the sound emanating from the pA~ncajanyam blown by 
the beautiful lips of emperumAn, and the majestic sound 
of the bow by the name of Sar`ngam?   

B. Additional thoughts (from SrI PVP ):

kO`ngalarum pozhil Â….. tU`nguginREn:  ANDAL is 
comparing herself to the "wasted" konRai flowers 
atop tirumalirum SOlai malai.  The question naturally 
arises:  Why are these flowers lying wasted? SrI 
PVP explains: The konRai flowers are used for worship 
of Siva, and not used for worship of vishNu.  Since 
tirumAl irum Solai is azhagar territory, the devotees of 
Siva don't come and get the flowers, and the devotees 
of emperumAn don't take the flowers, and so the flowers 
are lying wasted without being used.  In ANDAL's case, 
she is meant only for vishNu and no one else.  Being 
born of periyAzhvAr, godai is meant only for gOvindan 
("gOvindanukkallAl vAyil pOgA" - nAcciyAr tirumozhi 12-4;  
"mAniDavaRkkenRu pEccuppaDil vAzhagillEn" - nAcciyAr 
tirumozhi 1-5).  Since He has not come to claim her, 
she is lying wasted.  

pU`ngoL triumugattu ....  e~n~nAnRu kolO:  ANDAL is 
wondering aloud when she will get to hear the Sa`ngu 
oli and the Sar`ngam oli.  When rukmiNi pirATTi was 
being forced to marry SiSupAla, Lord kRshNa blew His 
conch as He was arriving to rescue her, and it was the 
sound of this pA`ncajanyam that kept her alive. When 
the evil rAvaNa tried to threaten and coerce sItA pirATTi 
by showing her magically the illusory head which 
looked like that of Lord rAma, she continued to live 
after hearing the sound of Lord rAma's bow from a distance.  
Compared to the conditions of rukmiNi pirATTi and sItA 
pirATTi, ANDAL considers her plight infinitely worse.  
So only by hearing both the sound of Sa`ngam and Sar`ngam, 
she can hold on to her life.  [Only divine souls like 
SrI PVP can have bhagavad anubhavam like this!]

sarvam SrIman nArAyaNAyEti samarpayAmi.

kalyANi kRshNamAcAri

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