Re: Re[2]: The Name Vemkateshwara
From the Bhakti List Archives
muralidhar rangaswamy • Fri Aug 21 1998 - 13:10:17 PDT
Dear Bhaktas, I believe in Sanskrit Vem=Sin, Kata=Destroy Ishwara=Lord. Hence, Venkateshwara is the Lord who destroys sins. Namo Narayana, Muralidhar Rangaswamy >From Fri Aug 21 12:34:18 1998 >Received: (from daemon@localhost) > by (8.9.0/8.9.0/ id MAA22460; > Fri, 21 Aug 1998 12:00:36 -0700 (PDT) >Message-Id: <> >From: >Subject: Re[2]: The Name Vemkateshwara >Date: Fri, 21 Aug 1998 13:35:43 -0500 >BestServHost: >MIME-Version: 1.0 >Content-Type: text/plain >Sender: >Errors-To: >To: > > Dear BhAgavathas, > > Sometime back today I had given an explanation for the name > VEmkatEshwaran and you would have studied the same. Sri Lakshmanan > brought out the actual meaning of the word as he had heard it from HH > Sri Tridandi Jeeyar Swami. > > Please go thro' the reply that I gave to Sri Lakshmanan. > > I request great scholars in our list to enlighten me on one aspect in > our pAsurams. If our AzhwArs always used only the tamizh > representations of the Sanskrit names as I have written below, how > would they want to use the entire sanskrit word "VEm" and "katam" as > in the pAsuram "vEm katangaL meimmEl..." > > Or is it the name Venkatan or VEmkatan for that sake has a different > meaning. I now strongly feel I was wrong in my reply. I place me > sincere apologies before all the bhaktas for this and request you to > enlighten me on this. > > adiyEn RAmAnuja dAsan > > Thirumalai Vinjamoor Venkatesh > > >______________________________ Forward Header __________________________________ >Subject: Re[2]: The Name Vemkateshwara >Author: TV Venkat at USMTNMO2 >Date: 8/21/98 1:28 PM > > > Dear LakshmaNan. > > Well, I may be wrong in my interpretation. Actually I was referring to > the pAsuram in ThiruvAimozhi " vEm kadangaL meimmEl ...". I thought > this is only Tamizh word because once again I thought our AzhwArs used > only pure tamizh in the pAsurams except for some names of the PerumAL > which are always in Sanskrit. For example in Thiruvaimozhi NammAzhwAr > refers to name HrisheekEsan as irudeekEsan and VishNu as "Vittu". > > Also our PeriAzhwAr in all the phalasruti pAsuram expresses his name > as "vittuchittan" and not "VishNuchittan". > > If the words are sanskrit and not tamizh, then it is only my poor > knowledge and rather misinterpretation, which made me write that. > > Thankyou for enlightening me. > > adiyEn RAmAnuja dAsan > > Thirumalai Vinjamoor Venkatesh > > >______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________ >Subject: Re: The Name Vemkateshwara >Author: at INTERNET-MAIL >Date: 8/21/98 1:12 PM > > >Dear VEMKAT: >'vem' in Sanskrit is to remove or destroy. 'kata' is sin. The Tamil word >'kadan' meaning debt is from this word 'kata' in Sanskrit. So, "VEMKAT" >is ONE WHO REMOVES SIN. If I remember correct tnis is the explanation >given by HH Sri Tridandi Chinna Jeeyar. > >If I am wrong it is my mistake and not HH SRI Jeeyar Swamy's for quoting >him wrongly. > >adiYen >Lakshmanan > > >______________________________________________________ >Get Your Private, Free Email at >---------------------------- Forwarded with Changes --------------------------- >From: TV Venkat at USMTNMO2 >Date: 8/21/98 1:28PM >To: at INTERNET-MAIL >Receipt Requested >Subject: Re[2]: The Name Vemkateshwara >------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at
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