Sri Hayagreeva avtaar
From the Bhakti List Archives
Madhavakkannan V • Fri Aug 14 1998 - 17:01:05 PDT
Sri: Dearest Sisters and Brothers, jnAnAnanda-mayam devam nirmalas sphaTikAkRtim | AdhAram sarvavidyAnAm hayagrIvam upAsmahe || Introduction: Generally vidyaarmbam among sri vaishnavas begins with a prayer to Lord Sri Hayagreeva, preceded by obeisance to our Acharyaas. Even today Vijayadasami and Sarsvathi pooja are celebrated in Srivaishnavas homes with the recitation of Sri Hayagreeva sthOthram. (in our home at least!). The Parakala Mutt, situated in Mysore, is one the most ancient and premier Srivaishnava religious institutions in the country that came into being for the specific purpose of propagating Sri Ramanujam's Visishtadvaita philosophy. Sri Lakshmi Hayagreeva (the Lord with the horse's face) Haya-horse: greeva-neck: this Lord is the presiding deity for all knowledge - 'Aadhaaram sarvavidhyaanaaam Hayagrivam upaasmahe'- is the principal deity of the Parakala Mutt, the icon being one of the most beautiful ever adorning the mutt. Sri Hayagreevar Divya MangaLa vigraham is also the president deity for Sri Poundareekapuram Andavan Ashramam and also greatly revered by Sri Ahobila Mutt and Andavan Ashram. SRI HAYAGREEVA AVATAAR The avataram of Hayagriva Bhagavan took place to restore the Vedas to Brahma. Emperumaan had taught BrahmA the Creation through His breath of VedAs. Then, Brahma could understand how various kalpams had begun due to Emperumaan's vEdOpasEam. He became extremely proud and head strong of his position as the creator and about his powers/jnAnam. Sriman Narayana as usual wanted to teach him and decided to remove his (Brahma's) pride. A couple of water droplets from the lotus seat of the Lord incarnated as two Asuras, Madhu and Kaitabha; Due to Bhgawath sankalpam, one (kaitapan) was of thamO guNA and the other (madhu) was of rajO guNA. They stole the Vedas from Brahma. Emperumaan smiled. Unable to carry on his work of creation without the Vedas, Brahma rushed to the Lord and pleaded the Lord Narayana for mercy and saving Vedas. BrahmA prostrated to the Lord and said Vedas alone are my eyes; they are my wealth; They are my Lord. The whole world is surrounded by darkness due to the absence of Vedas. How am I to proceed on my creation without the Vedas? Please arise from the Yoga nithrA and help me Lord! Please give me back my eyes which have been blinded by my own pride. "vEdhA: mE paramam sakshI: vEdhA: mE paramam param/ vEdhA: mE paramam dharma, vEdhA mE brahma sOtthamam//" Lord Narayana incarnated as Hayagriva, appeared as the white Horse faced, faultless sphatika hued form, satva mUrthy, with Divya tEjas, and lustrous form and destroyed the Asuras and restored the Vedas to Brahma. (This avtaar was made on a AvaNi month, sravaNa nakshthram paurNami thithi during some kalpam). With a lovely long nose, like the heaven surrounded by white bright stars, the asva siras (head of horse) illumined the whole world. The upper world and the lower world became His ears. The rays of Sun's brightest lustres are His hairs at the nape of His neck (pidari). BhUmi became His forhead; Ganga and Saraswathi became two lovely eyebrows; Chandra Sooryar (The Moon and the Sun) became His two eyes; SandhyA dEvathai became His nostrils; Pithru devathAs became His teeth; GolOkam and Brahma lOkam became His two lips; kalaraathri became His neck; The Divya tEjas Sathva mUrthy Sri Hayagreevan thus, in a grandest beautiful manner appeared. He rushed to PaathaaLa lOkam and raised His "uthGitham" in samavEdha swaram and terrified Madhukaitapa asurAs; They hid the VedhAs (which were in the form of babies) and ran away from the scene. Sri Hayagreevar handed over the Vedas to BrahmA and went back. Madhukaitapar searched for the sound which terrified them earlier but found the Vedas missing. They rushed to BrahmA who in turn was terribly scared and sought the help of Sriman Narayanan. Sri Hayagreevar made a "hooÂ….n" sign and fought with asurAs and killed them. BrahmA continued his work of creation. This avataar is described in VishNu puraaNam as "mathsya kUrma varaaha ashva simha rUpaathibhi:". In BrahmANda purANam during maheshwara-naradha samvaadham, Naradha describes this avthaar. Even when naradha praises Sri rangan in this PurANam, he says "ashva sirasE namah:". That is why the Lord is called Madhusoodhanan. (for having killed madhu and kaitabhar). Sri Paraasara Bhattar in his Sri Rangarajasthavam (utthara sathakam-52 nd slOka) sais "Sri ranganAthA! You, as Hayagreeva rUpI, removed the hurdles of madhu, kaitapar to BrahmA and recovered the VedhAs and saved the whole world!". In MahAbharatham, Shanthi parvam, hayasira upaakhyaanam details Hayagreeva avathaaram. Srimadh Bhagawatham, too, describes Hayagreeva avtaar. 2. There is another version of this avtaar and killing of asurAs. When paraLayam was about to end, Bhagawaan out of His dirt from the ear drum made two small solid balls and dropped on the Lotus leaf and BrahmA activated the PrANa vaayu, which gave life to these two, as madhu and kaitabhar. These asurAs appeared and grew up. BrahmA started off his creation and Vedhas were snatched away by these two asurAs. When the most compassionate Lord, Parama kaaruNikO Bhagawaan wished to please the asurAs, without killing them, asked them as to what they want as a boon. These two asurAs said "we can give You what You want". That is it! The Lord decided to kill them. They said "Can You kill us only where there is no cover for the sky?". The Lord immediately took Hyagreeva avtaar and removed His cloth on the Thighs, put them on His thighs and killed them. Bhagawaan's legs house the Earth and the space/sky. Since the Lord removed the cloth from His thighs and killed them, He still complied with what they challenged Him. What they thought was impossible to happen, He could make it happen with no effort. He, thus saved the Vedas and saves the world. The moral is: thamas, rajas guNAs are to be destroyed to reach Him. 3. There is yet another interesting "different" version in BrahmANda PuraaNam- Sri Devi Bhagawatham. There was a asurA, by name Hayagreeva (with horse face) who did his severe penance/ tapas on Parvathi Devi. Parvathi, pleased with his tapas, appeared in his front and the asurA asked for "no death". She said "Impossible-can not be granted". Then the asurA amended the request and said "Except for a horse faced one, no one else can kill me". (thinking that it can never happen!). She consented. He became tremendously proud of his achievement and started harassing every deva and rishi. He troubles all three worlds. He snatched away the Vedas from BrahmA and disappeared. Then is the history. The Lord appeared as Hayagreevar and killed the asurA to save the world and bring back the Vedas. 4. There is yet another puraaNic narration on Hayagreevar. At Kanchi, Agasthya muni was on severe penance on Sriman Narayanan and the Lord appeared as Hayagreevar and was immensely pleased with his tapas. He blessed the muni with Devi mahaathmyam. This is described in BrahmANda puraaNam Sri Hayagreeva agasthya samvaadham. 5. During Tripura samhaaram to entice the asurAs, the Lord appeared as "other religious" saint (buddhism?) and appeared as Hayagreevar to mislead the asurAs from the Veda maargham (from the path of Vediv traditions and sayings). Thus, He made them lose their ability to get saved and the Lord won. (As also claimed and reported in Buddhism in a web site as follows: Like Mahakala, Hayagriva is one of the Eight Great Protectors of Buddhism, a guardian and a destroyer of obstacles to enlightenment(!). He is a popular personal, or tutelary, deity among the Gelug order of Tibetan Buddhism. Hayagriva's crown of skulls is surmounted by Hayagriva's attribute, a horse's head, alluding to his origin as a horse-headed Hindu god. The terrific neigh that emanates from this horse's head is said to pierce through the illusory nature of reality. Although he was also popular in Tibet and China, Hayagriva's association with the horse may have had a particular appeal to the Mongols. (This, I read in the Net in some buddhism web site!) Swami Desikan in his "navarathna maalai" says " puRamuyarttha asurargatku puRam uRaittha poyyinaan". (to explain the Lord thus, misleading the asurAs by taking non-vedic religion (Buddhism)). Scriptures on Hayagreevar (Madhusoodhanan): - Next post please Ram Ram With Best Regards NarayaNa dAsan madhavakkannan ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at
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