RE SAma vEda
From the Bhakti List Archives
Unknown Sender • Thu Aug 10 1995 - 07:53:49 PDT
SRI RAM ASKED >>WOULD ANYBODY KNOW THE SPECIAL SIGNIFICANCE WHY LORD >>KRISHNA WOULD ASSOCIATE >>HIMSELF WITH SAMA VEDA, HE QUOTE >>IN THE GEETHA THAT MAONG THE VEDAS HE IS SAMA!! OR IS >>IT THAT SRIMAN NARAYANA IS A SAMA VEDI?? About the Samaveda, I was also pondering few days back about AMONG THE VEDAS I AM (KRISHNA) SAMA, BUT WHY ? The mantras in the Rig and Sama are much the same (may be atleast 75% similar),butthe difference in the chanting is enormous. The power of the Vedic mantras is also in the recitation- the vibrations shall we say. These vibrations are quite different between each of the Vedas and the most difference is in the Sama style. It is stretched more, perhaps moremusical. Sama style has always been acclaimed for melody. We have heard stories of how Ravana used to please Shiva with Sama gana. There is also another popular sloka also used for Gita dhyanam which says that "YAM Brahma Varuna+Indra Rudra Marutha: stunvanti Divyai sthavai: Vedai sanga pada kramopanishadai: GAYANTI YAM SAMAGAH Dhynavastitha tadgathena manasa pashyanti YAM yoginah yasyaantham na viduh sura sura ganah DEVAYA tasmai namah" YAM and DEVAYA here refer to Vishnu. Sriram also said: WHY LORD >>KRISHNA WOULD ASSOCIATE >>HIMSELF WITH SAMA VEDA >>IT THAT SRIMAN NARAYANA IS A SAMA VEDI?? This part I would not put the way Sriram has put it. This may give a wrong impression that Krishna is putting down the other Vedas or not recognizing them. However, that is not so. Elswhere in the Gita, Krishna says: Rig-Sama-Yajur eva cha(He is Rig, Sama and Yajur) Vedaischa sarvaih ahameva vedyah, Vedanta Krit Veda videva cha aham All the vedas(including Atharva) speal about Him only and He is the author of all the Vedas (Four vedas,all knowledge) Krishna is obviously associated with all the Vedas. It is just that among them he chooses Sama veda (perhaps for the above said reason, ie., musical). Same way He says that among Pandavas he is Arjuna- this does not mean that he has nothing to do with the rest of the Pandavas. Just like we say among the works of Kalidasa it is Abhijnana Shakuntalam, likewise Gitanjali among Tagore works- etc. By the way when is Samaveda Upakarmam and is the procedure different from the Rig and Yajur Upakarmams. I have heard that the Sama Vedis do not have the Kamokarshee japam, is it true? -K. Sreekrishna
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