re: Intra religious distinctions series
From the Bhakti List Archives
John Grimes • Wed Apr 03 1996 - 23:30:21 PST
In furtherance of Mani's comments: The polemics between the Advaitins and the Visistadvaitins seems unending. It has continued for over 700 years and shows no signs of abating. Though both sides are but a systematic exposition of an accepted canonical literature, they disagree over virtually everything - raning from a theory of knowledge all the way to eschatological, cosmological, and ontological considerations. After the initial formulation of the Advaita philosophy by Sankara, both schools have grown out of critical reflections on and from previous philosophical positions. They both have roots which go back into the mists of history and each exegesis claims to be a faithful explication of the "true" meaning of the sruti. For, after all, both philosophical sysems are but deductive interpretations. They both assumed the validity of Badarayana's sutras and then unfolded its meaning as implied by the relevant Upanisadic statements. Both systems assert that the Vedas are apauruseya and hence, unquestionable. However, they also assert that the principal primary means of liberation is jnana according to Advaita and bhakti according to Visistadvaita. In order to make these positions intelligible, they have to emphasise certain scriptural passages instead of others, and interpret them to suit their own standpoint. It is this fact, that the Upanisadic statements can be interpreted differently which accounts for the differences among the Vedantic systems. The value of polemic works is that they invariably end in construction. The Indian philosophical systems have employed polemics both as a necessary and desirable part of their history. Their main function was not so much to refute a particular system, though that certainly played a part, as to define and distinguish their own position vis-a-vis that of the other systems. The main purpose of such works is to become clearer on the doctrine itself, as well as to clarify one's position for others. The goal is clarity rather than demolition. What is implicit becomes explicit through such an endeavor. This is the great value of a polemic work. There seems to be an historic need for each school of thought. With the great diversity of human predilections, everything seems to have its reason to be. The conflicts which exist between the systems do not seem to affect their value as a particular system of thought. One may even go so far as to claim that the various systems enrich and inspire each other with their mutual fecundity. John --- John Grimes, Dept of Philosophy, NUS
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